Friday, 1 February 2013

Seeking Artemis

Marian, Helen and Janette discussing Helen's work in progress

Now the SDC exhibition is over for the next few months I am working full steam ahead for my next exhibition which is in May. It is entitled 'Seeking Artemis' and will take place in The Crypt Gallery, St.Pancras Church,Euston Road, London. So I thought over the next few weeks it might be interesting to devote this blog to how the exhibition came about and the process of preparing for it.

It all began when Marian Murphy, Helen Wilson and myself decided we would like to work together after our degree course. Marian had already scouted a gallery near St.Pancras station. It was a wonderful space  which is used for a fabulous eclectic selection of contemporary art exhibitions and we really coveted working with the space. We knew we didn't want to limit the exhibition to pure textiles as we were already beginning to diverge in our practice but we did want to bring together a small group that might connect with this space. Eventually we drew together 6 very different female artists - the three of us plus Miriam Weaver, Janette Bright and Rebecca Herbert, and we had already decided on a theme for our exhibition, inspired by the carytids that stand 'guard' above the gallery  - we were going to address aspects of the feminine , whether pertinent to one individual to more general or abstract. We sent a proposal to the gallery and it was accepted and so the journey began....