Wednesday 1 August 2007

I'm off to the Scottish Highlands and as the saying goes 'I may be some time'. While I'm there I am hoping to get some serious sketching and photography done towards my own work. I would like to work on some micro-landscapes for my next pieces, however, I am really looking forward to working with a brighter palette of colours in the next next OPUS module Cultural Stitch. Having spent the last few months researching the social history of embroidery it will be so nice to mentally travel the world rather than the library.

I have started the wheels in motion towards creating a regional textile forum and it has made a promising start. I feel passionately that we should work alongside other textile disciplines and not just confine ourselves to our own. I consider it is the only way that we will ever get taken seriously as artists not just labelled ' embroiderers'.

1 comment:

Maggie Grey said...

Hey Chrissy
Love the blog and you're posing some interesting questions.

Especially love the puppy. I'm green with envy as we travel too much to have a dog at the moment. Keep up the dogblog.