Tuesday 26 February 2008

So busy at the moment but I thought I must find a couple of minutes to blog. Spent the first part of this morning having a root canal re-done, not my favourite pastime and then had to get some things sorted out with some of the steering group for the ERTF which proved interesting with a frozen face. I have started my work for my latest OPUS module and at the moment I am concentrating on felt and what can be done with it. I spent all last week making felt and this week I am trying to alter it by painting onto it, adding clay, natural material, glue- you name it I'm going to try it. then we have to place it into another environment and see what new images and ideas we can create from these photos - pushing the boundaries.
I have sent my postcard to Cyber Fybre (Having already received Susan's) but forgot to take a photo of it before it went. However, it was a sample for my 'shades of monet' work so you'll get the drift when you look at the finished piece above.

1 comment:

sharon young said...

Your 'Shades of Monet' samples are gorgeous, Chrissy, and I love what you're doing with the felt, very innovative.
Hope your tooth has recovered from the ordeal sounds nasty!