Wednesday, 5 March 2008

'The spring is sprung, the grass is ris, I wonder where the sunshine is?'
Winter seems to have returned today, I have a cold and my studies are getting me down a bit.This degree course isn't half as enjoyable as the City and Guilds was, even at the lowest moments you felt like you were achieving something and actually doing something genuinely textile based, whereas, on this degree it all gets a bit esoteric with far too much theory and drawing for my liking. So beware anyone considering taking such a course -look into what is really involved before you sign on the dotted line.


Miriam Weaver said...

Hi Chris,

I think its just the time of year!


sharon young said...

Hi Chrissy
I agree with Miriam, my motivation is at an all time low at the moment, and I don't think it helps when you're doing these courses by correspondence, there’s no-one to bounce ideas off or even the negative vibes. I’m having a hard time sticking with the C&G at the moment, lost the will to do it!! I have a friend doing the Opus degree too who has been struggling hard recently (well from the beginning really) it’s not an easy undertaking. Good luck with it, I’m sure it will be worth it in the end.