Monday, 25 May 2009

Saying No

What a weekend! The first of Kirsty's friends passed their driving test 2 weeks ago (first time- very well done) so they decided they were going to take a trip to Camber Sands. Well from where we live that's over a 2 hour drive, mostly on motorways and involving the M25 and negotiating the Dartford Crossing- which, if you do that regularly like us, you will know that is not a pleasant thing even for an experienced driver let alone in heavy bank holiday traffic. I knew a couple of the other parents weren't happy but nobody seemed prepared to rock the boat- so I did. I said no.
Needless to say all hell broke loose. I became the worst mother on the planet.
An hour later,once the histrionics calmed down and I was able to get a word in edgeways, I suggested that for her first non-local trip they went to Clacton instead- an hour away and all on A roads.
Last night they came home- slightly sunburnt, full of tales of the day and laughter and, most importantly of all, in one piece. I am not likely to win any popularity contests amongst her friends in the near future but if that's what it takes to keep them all safe its alright by me.


Gina said...

Without a doubt you did the right thing. And I'm sure they all had a wonderful time.

Gwen said...

You were totally right, and someday your daughter will thank you, and be a "rotten mother" to her own daughter!