Saturday, 27 October 2007

Its been half-term week so as usual I've been trying to work around the family which means basically in the evening. I have been producing samples for the 2nd assignment in the 'Cultural Stitch' module of my degree. I like the bulk of the subject but this one has been producing samples from waste -talk about here we go again! "Do something recycled" turns up everywhere. Anyhow I've produced the required number of samples from a load of rubbish and its least its over. They are supposed to take inspiration from your cultural research, in my case the Miao, at least its unlikely they'll ever see them thank goodness.
Next I'm looking at the Elizabethan Ruff and how the neck has been regarded by different cultures (which I have also researched in my previous theory module) I'm looking forward to this bit as I get to produce a finished piece.
For everyone's amusement I'll put up a couple of 'rubbish' pictures as soon as I download them.

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